News list for " tion"

"Sister Wood" Cathie Wood plans to tokenize its fund, or encounters regulatory obstacles

Speaking at the Digital Asset Summit in New York on Tuesday, Cathie Wood said: "We think tokenisation will be huge, and we would like to be able to tokenise either the venture fund [ARKVX] or the Digital Asset Revolution Fund." But analysts believe that while Cathie Wood is preparing to tokenise the Ark Invest fund, it faces obstacles from US regulations and regulations, which may cause the process to be put on hold.

2025-03-26 10:09:35
New AI Model Promises Faster, Smarter Weather Predictions
New AI Model Promises Faster, Smarter Weather Predictions

The AI-Powered Aardvark Weather project aims to transform weather forecasting for a fraction of the cost of traditional models.

2025-03-25 23:05:11
OpenAI Launches GPT-4o's New Image Generation Into ChatGPT, Showing 'Unbelievably Better' Results
OpenAI Launches GPT-4o's New Image Generation Into ChatGPT, Showing 'Unbelievably Better' Results

Goodbye, DALL-E. OpenAI is rolling out image generation capabilities directly within ChatGPT as part of a broader push to make AI more useful.

2025-03-25 22:45:43
Class A shares of baby and child concept stocks partially strengthened, Beingmate rose by more than 8%, and Blond Rabbi, Huangshi Group, Western Animal Husbandry, and VV shares rose one after another. On the news, the National Health Commission decided to organize a study on high-quality population development in 2025...

Class A shares of baby concept stocks partially strengthened, Beingmate rose more than 8%, blond rabbi, Huangshi Group, Western Animal Husbandry, VV shares have risen. On the news, the National Health Commission decided to organize the 2025 high-quality population development research and research activities.

2025-03-25 03:26:44
重要新闻1. 李强签署国务院令,公布《实施中华人民共和国反外国制裁法的规定》。<span class="section-new...

重要新闻1. 李强签署国务院令,公布《实施中华人民共和国反外国制裁法的规定》。2. 上金所:同意中国人民财产保险股份有限公司等四家公司入会。3. 央行:本月起MLF将采用固定数量、利率招标、多重价位中标方式开展操作。4. 权威专家:MLF不再有统一的中标利率,其政策属性完全退出。5. 财政部:2025年财政政策要更加积极,支持全方位扩大国内需求,大力提振消费。6. 人社部加大金融助企稳岗扩岗力度,最高可贷5000万元。7. 财政部:1-2月证券交易印花税收入238亿元,同比增长58.9%。8. 蚂蚁回应AI训练降本:基于不同芯片持续调优,已开源。个股新闻1. 比亚迪:2024年净利润402.54亿元,同比增长34.03%,拟10派39.74元。2. 大丰实业:与智元机器人签订战略合作协议。3. 东晶电子:3月26日起被实施退市风险警示,股票简称变更为“*ST东晶”。4. 8天6板海洋王:目前无“深海科技”相关业务和产品,与“深海科技”概念无关。5. 奋达科技:格力金投及其一致行动人格金六号减持计划期限届满,合计减持3571万股。6. 玉龙股份:股票将于3月27日开市起停牌,投资者可于3...

2025-03-25 01:03:18
US PRESIDENT TRUMP: We are talking to stakeholders in Greenland who want to make progress. This is critical to national security.

US PRESIDENT TRUMP: We are talking to stakeholders in Greenland who want to make progress. This is critical to national security.

2025-03-24 16:55:15
Russian Presidential Press Secretary: Russian and US delegations have no plans to sign documents after the Riyadh talks

On March 25, according to the TASS news agency, Russian Presidential Press Secretary Peskov said in response to media questions on the 24th that the Russian and US delegations have no plans to sign any documents after the talks held in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia that day.

2025-03-24 17:46:02
ADGM Abu Dhabi partners with Chainlink to develop compliance tokenization framework

Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) announced that it has signed a memorandum of understanding with Chainlink to collaborate on a compliance framework for tokenized assets, which will enable ADGM to use Chainlink's suite of blockchain tools, including price feed data support and interoperability services, to facilitate blockchain innovation under its registration authority.

2025-03-24 16:02:00
This round of U.S.-Russia negotiations will focus on a potential ceasefire in the Black Sea, as well as a broader and permanent peace... Click to view...

This round of U.S.-Russia negotiations will focus on a potential ceasefire in the Black Sea, as well as a broader and permanent peace... Click to view...

2025-03-24 09:13:28
Cathie Wood to launch artificial intelligence public education program in El Salvador

Ark Invest founder Cathie Wood will give an opening speech for El Salvador's newly launched "Center for Urban Welfare and Opportunity" (CUBO) artificial intelligence (AI) program. The program is a public education initiative led by the Salvadoran government. According to El Salvador's Bitcoin Office, the program will offer college-level AI courses for students and professionals, which...

2025-03-23 21:30:40
Bounce Brand: The team is not involved in any form of AUCTION price manipulation

Bounce Brand posted on the X platform in response to the recent price fluctuations that the market has been concerned about: "To be clear, the team is not involved in any form of price manipulation. According to the team's monitoring, an unknown entity has obtained more than 20% of the total AUCTION supply through continuous accumulation in the past few weeks. In order to maintain market stability, our team has taken active actions: on the one hand, we have proactively provided liquidity support...

2025-03-23 13:55:19
Bounce Brand:团队未参与任何形式的 AUCTION 价格操纵行为

Bounce Brand 在 X 平台发文就近期市场关注的价格波动情况作出回应:“需要明确的是,团队未参与任何形式的价格操纵行为。经团队监测,过去数周内,一个未知主体通过持续积累已获得超过20%的AUCTION总供应量。 为维护市场稳定,我们团队已采取积极行动:一方面在多个交易所主动提供流动性支持,另一方面已自愿锁定约150万枚来自项目库存和团队分配的AUCTION代币。”

2025-03-23 13:55:19
两 Bounce 多签地址将 155 万枚 AUCTION 存入 Team Finance 并锁定

据链上分析师 @ai_9684xtpa 监测,四小时前,两个 Bounce Finance 多签地址将共计 155 万枚 AUCTION 存入 Team Finance 并锁定(占流通代币的 23.5%),约合 3,773 万美元,锁定至 2025 年 9 月 1 日。

2025-03-23 13:30:59
AUCTION's 24-hour decline widened to 60% at $24.18

According to market data, AUCTION's 24-hour decline expanded to 60%, temporarily quoted at $24.18.

2025-03-23 10:46:37
AUCTION 24小时跌幅扩大至60%,暂报24.18美元

行情数据,AUCTION 24 小时跌幅扩大至 60%,暂报 24.18 美元。

2025-03-23 10:46:37